SmartForms automates your traditional pen and paper quality forms and checklists, leveraging the power and efficiency of mobile PC technology. Data is collected and validated in real-time, then replicated to the back office and available in reports and alerts are sent if exceptional conditions are detected.
Solution Benefits

Steamline QA and QC efficiency by eliminating lost or damaged reports and providing management with real-time access to product quality data.

Improve speed and accuracy by integrating mobile PC technology and production equipment devices such as barcode readers, cameras and wireless connections.

Integrate with your production system for data analysis, single source reporting and much more.

Control data entry accuracy with pre-determined data values (pass/fail, yes/no, date formats, …) and real-time data validation.

Understand long-term trends and patterns with instant access to historical data.

Save storage space by storing completed forms on your servers, not in filing cabinets. Keep backups to restore the system in the event of disaster recovery.